BeadBlaster™ 24 Refrigerated Microtube Homogenizer

Artikelnummer: D2400-R
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The BeadBlaster™ 24R is a highly efficient bead homogenizer with built-in refrigeration to protect temperature-sensitive molecules from heat degradation and denaturation.

Unlike most bead homogenizers, the BeadBlaster 24R has true, compressor-based refrigeration – no dry ice, no liquid nitrogen, and no air supply needed. Simply set the desired temperature and precool the chamber. The temperature will be maintained throughout the homogenization process to keep samples cool.

The BeadBlaster 24R retains many of the features of our popular BeadBlaster 24. The stainless-steel tube carrier subjects up to 24 samples to an optimized, high-speed, 3D motion, producing high energy impacts between the samples and micro-beads to release cellular contents. Operating parameters are set and displayed digitally, while 50 profiles can be stored in memory and recalled for future use. A brushless motor reduces motor noise and provides maintenance-free operation.

Zusätzliche Informationen & Downloads


  • High capacity – 24x2ml
  • Cooling function to protect temperature-sensitive samples.
  • True refrigeration – no dry ice, liquid nitrogen, or external connections
  • Sealed 2.0ml tubes – eliminates cross contamination
  • Full range of beads in prefilled tubes and bulk available


D2400-RBeadBlaster™ 24 Refrigerated Microtube Homogenizer, 115V
D2400-R-E BeadBlaster™ 24 Refrigerated Microtube Homogenizer, 230V


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